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SvelteKit 通过 $app/state 模块提供了三个只读状态对象 — pagenavigatingupdated

此模块在 2.12 版本中添加。如果您使用的是早期版本的 SvelteKit,请使用 $app/stores

import { 
const navigating: Navigation | {
    from: null;
    to: null;
    type: null;
    willUnload: null;
    delta: null;
    complete: null;

An object representing an in-progress navigation, with from, to, type and (if type === 'popstate') delta properties. Values are null when no navigation is occurring, or during server rendering.

, const page: Page<Record<string, string>, string | null>

A reactive object with information about the current page, serving several use cases:

  • retrieving the combined data of all pages/layouts anywhere in your component tree (also see loading data)
  • retrieving the current value of the form prop anywhere in your component tree (also see form actions)
  • retrieving the page state that was set through goto, pushState or replaceState (also see goto and shallow routing)
  • retrieving metadata such as the URL you’re on, the current route and its parameters, and whether or not there was an error
&#x3C;! file: +layout.svelte >
	import { page } from '$app/state';

&#x3C;p>Currently at {page.url.pathname}&#x3C;/p>

{#if page.error}
	&#x3C;span class="red">Problem detected&#x3C;/span>
	&#x3C;span class="small">All systems operational&#x3C;/span>

On the server, values can only be read during rendering (in other words not in e.g. load functions). In the browser, the values can be read at any time.

const updated: {
    readonly current: boolean;
    check(): Promise<boolean>;

A reactive value that’s initially false. If version.pollInterval is a non-zero value, SvelteKit will poll for new versions of the app and update current to true when it detects one. updated.check() will force an immediate check, regardless of polling.

} from '$app/state';

一个表示正在进行的导航的只读对象,具有 fromtotype 和(如果 type === 'popstate'delta 属性。 当没有导航发生时或在服务端渲染期间,这些值为 null

const navigating:
	| import('@sveltejs/kit').Navigation
	| {
			from: null;
			to: null;
			type: null;
			willUnload: null;
			delta: null;
			complete: null;



  • 在组件树的任何位置检索所有页面/布局的组合 data(另见 加载数据
  • 在组件树的任何位置检索 form prop 的当前值(另见 表单 actions
  • 检索通过 gotopushStatereplaceState 设置的页面状态(另见 goto浅路由
  • 检索元数据,如当前 URL、当前路由及其参数,以及是否发生错误
	import { page } from '$app/state';

<p>当前位置 {page.url.pathname}</p>

{#if page.error}
	<span class="red">检测到问题</span>
	<span class="small">所有系统正常运行</span>
<script lang="ts">
	import { page } from '$app/state';

<p>当前位置 {page.url.pathname}</p>

{#if page.error}
	<span class="red">检测到问题</span>
	<span class="small">所有系统正常运行</span>

在服务端,值只能在渲染期间读取(换句话说,不能在如 load 函数等中读取)。在浏览器中,可以随时读取这些值。

const page: import('@sveltejs/kit').Page;


一个初始值为 false 的响应式只读值。如果 version.pollInterval 设置为非零值,SvelteKit 将轮询检查应用程序的新版本,当检测到新版本时,将 current 更新为 true。无论是否轮询,updated.check() 都将强制立即检查。

const updated: {
	get current(): boolean;
	check(): Promise<boolean>;

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