表单 actions
文件可以导出 actions,允许您使用 <form>
元素向服务端 POST
使用 <form>
时,客户端 JavaScript 是可选的,但您可以轻松地使用 JavaScript 渐进式增强 表单交互,以提供最佳的用户体验。
默认 action
在最简单的情况下,一个页面声明一个 default
/** @satisfies {import('./$types').Actions} */
export const const actions: {
default: (event: any) => Promise<void>;
actions = {
default: (event: any) => Promise<void>
default: async (event: any
event) => {
// TODO log the user in
import type { type Actions = {
[x: string]: Kit.Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
type Actions = {
[x: string]: Kit.Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
Actions } from './$types';
export const const actions: {
default: (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>;
actions = {
default: (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>
default: async (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
// TODO log the user in
} satisfies type Actions = {
[x: string]: Kit.Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
type Actions = {
[x: string]: Kit.Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
要从 /login
页面调用此 action,只需添加一个 <form>
—— 不需要 JavaScript:
<form method="POST">
<input name="email" type="email">
<input name="password" type="password">
<button>Log in</button>
如果有人点击按钮,浏览器将通过 POST
请求将表单数据发送到服务端,运行默认 action。
action 总是使用
我们还可以通过添加 action
属性,调用来自其他页面的 action (例如,如果根布局中的导航栏有一个登录小部件):
<form method="POST" action="/login">
<!-- content -->
命名 actions
页面可以根据需要拥有多个命名 action ,而不是只有一个 default
/** @satisfies {import('./$types').Actions} */
export const const actions: {
login: (event: any) => Promise<void>;
register: (event: any) => Promise<void>;
actions = {
default: async (event) => {
login: (event: any) => Promise<void>
login: async (event: any
event) => {
// TODO log the user in
register: (event: any) => Promise<void>
register: async (event: any
event) => {
// TODO register the user
import type { type Actions = {
[x: string]: Kit.Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
type Actions = {
[x: string]: Kit.Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
Actions } from './$types';
export const const actions: {
login: (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>;
register: (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<...>;
actions = {
default: async (event) => {
login: (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>
login: async (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
// TODO log the user in
register: (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>
register: async (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
// TODO register the user
} satisfies type Actions = {
[x: string]: Kit.Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
type Actions = {
[x: string]: Kit.Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
要调用命名 action ,添加一个以 /
<form method="POST" action="?/register">
<form method="POST" action="/login?/register">
除了 action
属性,我们还可以在按钮上使用 formaction
属性,将相同的表单数据 POST
到与父 <form>
不同的 action :
<form method="POST" action="?/login">
<input name="email" type="email">
<input name="password" type="password">
<button>Log in</button>
<button formaction="?/register">Register</button>
我们不能在命名 action 旁边有默认 action ,因为如果您在没有重定向的情况下
到命名 action ,查询参数会保留在 URL 中,这意味着下一个默认POST
将通过之前的命名 action 进行处理。
action 的结构
每个 action 接收一个 RequestEvent
对象,允许您使用 request.formData()
读取数据。在处理请求之后(例如,通过设置 cookie 让用户登录),action 可以响应数据,这些数据将在对应页面的 form
属性以及整个应用范围的 page.form
import * as module "$lib/server/db"
db from '$lib/server/db';
/** @type {import('./$types').PageServerLoad} */
export async function function load(event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>): MaybePromise<void | Record<string, any>>
load({ cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies }) {
const const user: any
user = await module "$lib/server/db"
db.getUserFromSession(cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies.Cookies.get(name: string, opts?: CookieParseOptions): string | undefined
Gets a cookie that was previously set with cookies.set
, or from the request headers.
return { user: any
user };
/** @satisfies {import('./$types').Actions} */
export const const actions: {
login: ({ cookies, request }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<{
success: boolean;
register: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<...>;
actions = {
login: ({ cookies, request }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<{
success: boolean;
login: async ({ cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies, request: Request
The original request object
request }) => {
const const data: FormData
data = await request: Request
The original request object
request.Body.formData(): Promise<FormData>
const const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
const const password: FormDataEntryValue | null
password = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
const const user: any
user = await module "$lib/server/db"
db.getUser(const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies.Cookies.set(name: string, value: string, opts: CookieSerializeOptions & {
path: string;
}): void
Sets a cookie. This will add a set-cookie
header to the response, but also make the cookie available via cookies.get
or cookies.getAll
during the current request.
The httpOnly
and secure
options are true
by default (except on http://localhost, where secure
is false
), and must be explicitly disabled if you want cookies to be readable by client-side JavaScript and/or transmitted over HTTP. The sameSite
option defaults to lax
You must specify a path
for the cookie. In most cases you should explicitly set path: '/'
to make the cookie available throughout your app. You can use relative paths, or set path: ''
to make the cookie only available on the current path and its children
set('sessionid', await module "$lib/server/db"
db.createSession(const user: any
user), { path: string
Specifies the value for the
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.2.4 Path
By default, the path is considered the “default path”.
path: '/' });
return { success: boolean
success: true };
register: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>
register: async (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
// TODO register the user
import * as module "$lib/server/db"
db from '$lib/server/db';
import type { type PageServerLoad = (event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>) => MaybePromise<void | Record<string, any>>
PageServerLoad, type Actions = {
[x: string]: Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
Actions } from './$types';
export const const load: PageServerLoad
load: type PageServerLoad = (event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>) => MaybePromise<void | Record<string, any>>
PageServerLoad = async ({ cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies }) => {
const const user: any
user = await module "$lib/server/db"
db.getUserFromSession(cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies.Cookies.get(name: string, opts?: CookieParseOptions): string | undefined
Gets a cookie that was previously set with cookies.set
, or from the request headers.
return { user: any
user };
export const const actions: {
login: ({ cookies, request }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<{
success: boolean;
register: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<...>;
actions = {
login: ({ cookies, request }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<{
success: boolean;
login: async ({ cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies, request: Request
The original request object
request }) => {
const const data: FormData
data = await request: Request
The original request object
request.Body.formData(): Promise<FormData>
const const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
const const password: FormDataEntryValue | null
password = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
const const user: any
user = await module "$lib/server/db"
db.getUser(const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies.Cookies.set(name: string, value: string, opts: CookieSerializeOptions & {
path: string;
}): void
Sets a cookie. This will add a set-cookie
header to the response, but also make the cookie available via cookies.get
or cookies.getAll
during the current request.
The httpOnly
and secure
options are true
by default (except on http://localhost, where secure
is false
), and must be explicitly disabled if you want cookies to be readable by client-side JavaScript and/or transmitted over HTTP. The sameSite
option defaults to lax
You must specify a path
for the cookie. In most cases you should explicitly set path: '/'
to make the cookie available throughout your app. You can use relative paths, or set path: ''
to make the cookie only available on the current path and its children
set('sessionid', await module "$lib/server/db"
db.createSession(const user: any
user), { path: string
Specifies the value for the
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.2.4 Path
By default, the path is considered the “default path”.
path: '/' });
return { success: boolean
success: true };
register: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>
register: async (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
// TODO register the user
} satisfies type Actions = {
[x: string]: Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
/** @type {{ data: import('./$types').PageData, form: import('./$types').ActionData }} */
let { data, form } = $props();
{#if form?.success}
<!-- 这个消息是短暂的;它存在是因为页面是响应表单提交而渲染的。如果用户重新加载,消息将消失 -->
<p>Successfully logged in! Welcome back, {data.user.name}</p>
<script lang="ts">
import type { PageData, ActionData } from './$types';
let { data, form }: { data: PageData, form: ActionData } = $props();
{#if form?.success}
<!-- 这个消息是短暂的;它存在是因为页面是响应表单提交而渲染的。如果用户重新加载,消息将消失 -->
<p>Successfully logged in! Welcome back, {data.user.name}</p>
Legacy mode
在 Svelte 4 中,您将使用
export let data
和export let form
如果请求因数据无效而无法处理,您可以将验证错误 —— 以及之前提交的表单值 —— 返回给用户,以便他们可以重试。fail
函数允许您返回一个 HTTP 状态码(通常是 400 或 422,用于验证错误)以及数据。状态码可以通过 page.status
获取,数据可以通过 form
import { function fail(status: number): ActionFailure<undefined> (+1 overload)
Create an ActionFailure
fail } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import * as module "$lib/server/db"
db from '$lib/server/db';
/** @satisfies {import('./$types').Actions} */
export const const actions: {
login: ({ cookies, request }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<ActionFailure<{
email: string | null;
missing: boolean;
}> | ActionFailure<{
}> | {
register: (event: RequestEvent<...>) => Promise<...>;
actions = {
login: ({ cookies, request }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<ActionFailure<{
email: string | null;
missing: boolean;
}> | ActionFailure<{
email: FormDataEntryValue;
incorrect: boolean;
}> | {
login: async ({ cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies, request: Request
The original request object
request }) => {
const const data: FormData
data = await request: Request
The original request object
request.Body.formData(): Promise<FormData>
const const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
const const password: FormDataEntryValue | null
password = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
if (!const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email) {
return fail<{
email: string | null;
missing: boolean;
}>(status: number, data: {
email: string | null;
missing: boolean;
}): ActionFailure<{
email: string | null;
missing: boolean;
}> (+1 overload)
Create an ActionFailure
email: string | null
email, missing: boolean
missing: true });
const const user: any
user = await module "$lib/server/db"
db.getUser(const email: FormDataEntryValue
if (!const user: any
user || const user: any
user.password !== module "$lib/server/db"
db.hash(const password: FormDataEntryValue | null
password)) {
return fail<{
email: FormDataEntryValue;
incorrect: boolean;
}>(status: number, data: {
email: FormDataEntryValue;
incorrect: boolean;
}): ActionFailure<{
email: FormDataEntryValue;
incorrect: boolean;
}> (+1 overload)Create an ActionFailure
email: FormDataEntryValue
email, incorrect: boolean
incorrect: true });
cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
Cookies.set(name: string, value: string, opts: CookieSerializeOptions & {
path: string;
}): void
Sets a cookie. This will add a set-cookie
header to the response, but also make the cookie available via cookies.get
or cookies.getAll
during the current request.
The httpOnly
and secure
options are true
by default (except on http://localhost, where secure
is false
), and must be explicitly disabled if you want cookies to be readable by client-side JavaScript and/or transmitted over HTTP. The sameSite
option defaults to lax
You must specify a path
for the cookie. In most cases you should explicitly set path: '/'
to make the cookie available throughout your app. You can use relative paths, or set path: ''
to make the cookie only available on the current path and its children
module "$lib/server/db"
db.createSession(const user: any
user), { path: string
Specifies the value for the
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.2.4 Path
By default, the path is considered the “default path”.
success: boolean
success: true };
register: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>
register: async (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
// TODO register the user
};import { function fail(status: number): ActionFailure<undefined> (+1 overload)
Create an ActionFailure
fail } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import * as module "$lib/server/db"
db from '$lib/server/db';
import type { type Actions = {
[x: string]: Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
Actions } from './$types';
export const const actions: {
login: ({ cookies, request }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<ActionFailure<{
email: string | null;
missing: boolean;
}> | ActionFailure<{
}> | {
register: (event: RequestEvent<...>) => Promise<...>;
actions = {
login: ({ cookies, request }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<ActionFailure<{
email: string | null;
missing: boolean;
}> | ActionFailure<{
email: FormDataEntryValue;
incorrect: boolean;
}> | {
login: async ({ cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies, request: Request
The original request object
request }) => {
const const data: FormData
data = await request: Request
The original request object
request.Body.formData(): Promise<FormData>
const const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
const const password: FormDataEntryValue | null
password = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
if (!const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email) {
return fail<{
email: string | null;
missing: boolean;
}>(status: number, data: {
email: string | null;
missing: boolean;
}): ActionFailure<{
email: string | null;
missing: boolean;
}> (+1 overload)
Create an ActionFailure
email: string | null
email, missing: boolean
missing: true });
const const user: any
user = await module "$lib/server/db"
db.getUser(const email: FormDataEntryValue
if (!const user: any
user || const user: any
user.password !== module "$lib/server/db"
db.hash(const password: FormDataEntryValue | null
password)) {
return fail<{
email: FormDataEntryValue;
incorrect: boolean;
}>(status: number, data: {
email: FormDataEntryValue;
incorrect: boolean;
}): ActionFailure<{
email: FormDataEntryValue;
incorrect: boolean;
}> (+1 overload)Create an ActionFailure
email: FormDataEntryValue
email, incorrect: boolean
incorrect: true });
cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
Cookies.set(name: string, value: string, opts: CookieSerializeOptions & {
path: string;
}): void
Sets a cookie. This will add a set-cookie
header to the response, but also make the cookie available via cookies.get
or cookies.getAll
during the current request.
The httpOnly
and secure
options are true
by default (except on http://localhost, where secure
is false
), and must be explicitly disabled if you want cookies to be readable by client-side JavaScript and/or transmitted over HTTP. The sameSite
option defaults to lax
You must specify a path
for the cookie. In most cases you should explicitly set path: '/'
to make the cookie available throughout your app. You can use relative paths, or set path: ''
to make the cookie only available on the current path and its children
module "$lib/server/db"
db.createSession(const user: any
user), { path: string
Specifies the value for the
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.2.4 Path
By default, the path is considered the “default path”.
success: boolean
success: true };
register: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>
register: async (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
// TODO register the user
} satisfies type Actions = {
[x: string]: Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
Actions;请注意,作为预防措施,我们只将电子邮件返回给页面 —— 而不是密码。
<form method="POST" action="?/login">
{#if form?.missing}<p class="error">邮箱字段为必填项</p>{/if}
{#if form?.incorrect}<p class="error">凭据无效!</p>{/if}
<input name="email" type="email" value={form?.email ?? ''}>
<input name="password" type="password">
<button>Log in</button>
<button formaction="?/register">Register</button>
返回的数据必须可序列化为 JSON。除此之外,结构完全由您决定。例如,如果页面上有多个表单,您可以使用 id
属性或类似的方式区分返回的 form
数据对应哪个 <form>
重定向(和错误)与 load
import { function fail(status: number): ActionFailure<undefined> (+1 overload)
Create an ActionFailure
fail, function redirect(status: 300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 305 | 306 | 307 | 308 | ({} & number), location: string | URL): never
Redirect a request. When called during request handling, SvelteKit will return a redirect response.
Make sure you’re not catching the thrown redirect, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.
redirect } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import * as module "$lib/server/db"
db from '$lib/server/db';
/** @satisfies {import('./$types').Actions} */
export const const actions: {
login: ({ cookies, request, url }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<ActionFailure<{
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
missing: boolean;
}> | ActionFailure<...> | {
register: (event: RequestEvent<...>) => Promise<...>;
actions = {
login: ({ cookies, request, url }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<ActionFailure<{
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
missing: boolean;
}> | ActionFailure<...> | {
login: async ({ cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies, request: Request
The original request object
request, url: URL
The requested URL.
url }) => {
const const data: FormData
data = await request: Request
The original request object
request.Body.formData(): Promise<FormData>
const const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
const const password: FormDataEntryValue | null
password = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
const const user: any
user = await module "$lib/server/db"
db.getUser(const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
if (!const user: any
user) {
return fail<{
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
missing: boolean;
}>(status: number, data: {
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
missing: boolean;
}): ActionFailure<...> (+1 overload)
Create an ActionFailure
fail(400, { email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email, missing: boolean
missing: true });
if (const user: any
user.password !== module "$lib/server/db"
db.hash(const password: FormDataEntryValue | null
password)) {
return fail<{
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
incorrect: boolean;
}>(status: number, data: {
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
incorrect: boolean;
}): ActionFailure<...> (+1 overload)
Create an ActionFailure
fail(400, { email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email, incorrect: boolean
incorrect: true });
cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies.Cookies.set(name: string, value: string, opts: CookieSerializeOptions & {
path: string;
}): void
Sets a cookie. This will add a set-cookie
header to the response, but also make the cookie available via cookies.get
or cookies.getAll
during the current request.
The httpOnly
and secure
options are true
by default (except on http://localhost, where secure
is false
), and must be explicitly disabled if you want cookies to be readable by client-side JavaScript and/or transmitted over HTTP. The sameSite
option defaults to lax
You must specify a path
for the cookie. In most cases you should explicitly set path: '/'
to make the cookie available throughout your app. You can use relative paths, or set path: ''
to make the cookie only available on the current path and its children
set('sessionid', await module "$lib/server/db"
db.createSession(const user: any
user), { path: string
Specifies the value for the
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.2.4 Path
By default, the path is considered the “default path”.
path: '/' });
if (url: URL
The requested URL.
url.URL.searchParams: URLSearchParams
searchParams.URLSearchParams.has(name: string, value?: string): boolean
Returns a Boolean indicating if such a search parameter exists.
has('redirectTo')) {
function redirect(status: 300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 305 | 306 | 307 | 308 | ({} & number), location: string | URL): never
Redirect a request. When called during request handling, SvelteKit will return a redirect response.
Make sure you’re not catching the thrown redirect, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.
redirect(303, url: URL
The requested URL.
url.URL.searchParams: URLSearchParams
searchParams.URLSearchParams.get(name: string): string | null
Returns the first value associated to the given search parameter.
return { success: boolean
success: true };
register: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>
register: async (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
// TODO register the user
import { function fail(status: number): ActionFailure<undefined> (+1 overload)
Create an ActionFailure
fail, function redirect(status: 300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 305 | 306 | 307 | 308 | ({} & number), location: string | URL): never
Redirect a request. When called during request handling, SvelteKit will return a redirect response.
Make sure you’re not catching the thrown redirect, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.
redirect } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import * as module "$lib/server/db"
db from '$lib/server/db';
import type { type Actions = {
[x: string]: Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
Actions } from './$types';
export const const actions: {
login: ({ cookies, request, url }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<ActionFailure<{
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
missing: boolean;
}> | ActionFailure<...> | {
register: (event: RequestEvent<...>) => Promise<...>;
actions = {
login: ({ cookies, request, url }: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<ActionFailure<{
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
missing: boolean;
}> | ActionFailure<...> | {
login: async ({ cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies, request: Request
The original request object
request, url: URL
The requested URL.
url }) => {
const const data: FormData
data = await request: Request
The original request object
request.Body.formData(): Promise<FormData>
const const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
const const password: FormDataEntryValue | null
password = const data: FormData
data.FormData.get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null
const const user: any
user = await module "$lib/server/db"
db.getUser(const email: FormDataEntryValue | null
if (!const user: any
user) {
return fail<{
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
missing: boolean;
}>(status: number, data: {
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
missing: boolean;
}): ActionFailure<...> (+1 overload)
Create an ActionFailure
fail(400, { email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email, missing: boolean
missing: true });
if (const user: any
user.password !== module "$lib/server/db"
db.hash(const password: FormDataEntryValue | null
password)) {
return fail<{
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
incorrect: boolean;
}>(status: number, data: {
email: FormDataEntryValue | null;
incorrect: boolean;
}): ActionFailure<...> (+1 overload)
Create an ActionFailure
fail(400, { email: FormDataEntryValue | null
email, incorrect: boolean
incorrect: true });
cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies.Cookies.set(name: string, value: string, opts: CookieSerializeOptions & {
path: string;
}): void
Sets a cookie. This will add a set-cookie
header to the response, but also make the cookie available via cookies.get
or cookies.getAll
during the current request.
The httpOnly
and secure
options are true
by default (except on http://localhost, where secure
is false
), and must be explicitly disabled if you want cookies to be readable by client-side JavaScript and/or transmitted over HTTP. The sameSite
option defaults to lax
You must specify a path
for the cookie. In most cases you should explicitly set path: '/'
to make the cookie available throughout your app. You can use relative paths, or set path: ''
to make the cookie only available on the current path and its children
set('sessionid', await module "$lib/server/db"
db.createSession(const user: any
user), { path: string
Specifies the value for the
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.2.4 Path
By default, the path is considered the “default path”.
path: '/' });
if (url: URL
The requested URL.
url.URL.searchParams: URLSearchParams
searchParams.URLSearchParams.has(name: string, value?: string): boolean
Returns a Boolean indicating if such a search parameter exists.
has('redirectTo')) {
function redirect(status: 300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 305 | 306 | 307 | 308 | ({} & number), location: string | URL): never
Redirect a request. When called during request handling, SvelteKit will return a redirect response.
Make sure you’re not catching the thrown redirect, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.
redirect(303, url.searchParams.get('redirectTo'));
return { success: boolean
success: true };
register: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>
register: async (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
// TODO register the user
} satisfies type Actions = {
[x: string]: Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
action 运行后,页面将重新渲染(除非发生重定向或意外错误), action 的返回值将作为 form
属性提供给页面。这意味着页面的 load
函数将在 action 完成后运行。
在 action 被调用之前运行,并且不会在 load
函数之前重新运行。这意味着,例如,如果您使用 handle
根据 cookie 填充 event.locals
,则在 action 中设置或删除 cookie 时,必须更新 event.locals
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Handle} */
export async function function handle(input: {
event: RequestEvent;
resolve(event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions): MaybePromise<Response>;
}): MaybePromise<...>
handle({ event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event, resolve: (event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions) => MaybePromise<Response>
resolve }) {
event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event.RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>.locals: App.Locals
Contains custom data that was added to the request within the server handle hook
locals.App.Locals.user: {
name: string;
} | null
user = await function getUser(sessionid: string | undefined): {
name: string;
getUser(event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event.RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>.cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies.Cookies.get(name: string, opts?: CookieParseOptions): string | undefined
Gets a cookie that was previously set with cookies.set
, or from the request headers.
return resolve: (event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions) => MaybePromise<Response>
resolve(event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
import type { type Handle = (input: {
event: RequestEvent;
resolve(event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions): MaybePromise<Response>;
}) => MaybePromise<...>
The handle
hook runs every time the SvelteKit server receives a request and
determines the response.
It receives an event
object representing the request and a function called resolve
, which renders the route and generates a Response
This allows you to modify response headers or bodies, or bypass SvelteKit entirely (for implementing routes programmatically, for example).
Handle } from '@sveltejs/kit';
export const const handle: Handle
handle: type Handle = (input: {
event: RequestEvent;
resolve(event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions): MaybePromise<Response>;
}) => MaybePromise<...>
The handle
hook runs every time the SvelteKit server receives a request and
determines the response.
It receives an event
object representing the request and a function called resolve
, which renders the route and generates a Response
This allows you to modify response headers or bodies, or bypass SvelteKit entirely (for implementing routes programmatically, for example).
Handle = async ({ event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event, resolve: (event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions) => MaybePromise<Response>
resolve }) => {
event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event.RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>.locals: App.Locals
Contains custom data that was added to the request within the server handle hook
locals.App.Locals.user: {
name: string;
} | null
user = await function getUser(sessionid: string | undefined): {
name: string;
getUser(event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event.RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>.cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies.Cookies.get(name: string, opts?: CookieParseOptions): string | undefined
Gets a cookie that was previously set with cookies.set
, or from the request headers.
return resolve: (event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions) => MaybePromise<Response>
resolve(event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
/** @type {import('./$types').PageServerLoad} */
export function function load(event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>): MaybePromise<void | Record<string, any>>
load(event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) {
return {
user: {
name: string;
} | null
user: event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>
event.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>.locals: App.Locals
Contains custom data that was added to the request within the server handle hook
locals.App.Locals.user: {
name: string;
} | null
/** @satisfies {import('./$types').Actions} */
export const const actions: {
logout: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>;
actions = {
logout: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>
logout: async (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>.cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies.Cookies.delete(name: string, opts: CookieSerializeOptions & {
path: string;
}): void
Deletes a cookie by setting its value to an empty string and setting the expiry date in the past.
You must specify a path
for the cookie. In most cases you should explicitly set path: '/'
to make the cookie available throughout your app. You can use relative paths, or set path: ''
to make the cookie only available on the current path and its children
delete('sessionid', { path: string
Specifies the value for the
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.2.4 Path
By default, the path is considered the “default path”.
path: '/' });
event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event.RequestEvent<Params extends Partial<Record<string, string>> = Partial<Record<string, string>>, RouteId extends string | null = string | null>.locals: App.Locals
Contains custom data that was added to the request within the server handle hook
locals.App.Locals.user: {
name: string;
} | null
user = null;
import type { type PageServerLoad = (event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>) => MaybePromise<void | Record<string, any>>
PageServerLoad, type Actions = {
[x: string]: Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
Actions } from './$types';
export const const load: PageServerLoad
load: type PageServerLoad = (event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>) => MaybePromise<void | Record<string, any>>
PageServerLoad = (event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
return {
user: {
name: string;
} | null
user: event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>
event.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>.locals: App.Locals
Contains custom data that was added to the request within the server handle hook
locals.App.Locals.user: {
name: string;
} | null
export const const actions: {
logout: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>;
actions = {
logout: (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => Promise<void>
logout: async (event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event) => {
event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>.cookies: Cookies
Get or set cookies related to the current request
cookies.Cookies.delete(name: string, opts: CookieSerializeOptions & {
path: string;
}): void
Deletes a cookie by setting its value to an empty string and setting the expiry date in the past.
You must specify a path
for the cookie. In most cases you should explicitly set path: '/'
to make the cookie available throughout your app. You can use relative paths, or set path: ''
to make the cookie only available on the current path and its children
delete('sessionid', { path: string
Specifies the value for the
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.2.4 Path
By default, the path is considered the “default path”.
path: '/' });
event: RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>
event.RequestEvent<Params extends Partial<Record<string, string>> = Partial<Record<string, string>>, RouteId extends string | null = string | null>.locals: App.Locals
Contains custom data that was added to the request within the server handle hook
locals.App.Locals.user: {
name: string;
} | null
user = null;
} satisfies type Actions = {
[x: string]: Action<Record<string, any>, void | Record<string, any>, string | null>;
在前面的章节中,我们构建了一个在没有客户端 JavaScript 的情况下工作的 /login
action —— 没有 fetch
。这很好,但当 JavaScript 可用 时,我们可以渐进式增强表单交互,以提供更好的用户体验。
渐进式增强表单的最简单方法是添加 use:enhance
action :
import { enhance } from '$app/forms';
/** @type {{ form: import('./$types').ActionData }} */
let { form } = $props();
<form method="POST" use:enhance>
<script lang="ts">
import { enhance } from '$app/forms';
import type { ActionData } from './$types';
let { form }: { form: ActionData } = $props();
<form method="POST" use:enhance>
action 和<form action>
都叫做 ‘action’,这些文档充满了各种 action。抱歉。
- 在成功或无效响应时更新
,但仅当 action 在您提交的同一页面上时。例如,如果您的表单看起来像<form action="/somewhere/else" ..>
状态将 不会 更新。这是因为在本地表单提交的情况下,您将被重定向到 action 所在的页面。如果您希望无论如何都能更新,使用applyAction
- 重置
元素 - 在成功响应时使用
使所有数据失效 - 在重定向响应时调用
- 如果发生错误,渲染最近的
边界 - 将焦点重置到适当的元素
自定义 use:enhance
要自定义行为,您可以提供一个 SubmitFunction
,它会在表单提交前立即运行,并(可选地)返回一个随 ActionResult
一起运行的回调。请注意,如果您返回一个回调,上述默认行为将不会被触发。要恢复默认行为,请调用 update
use:enhance={({ formElement, formData, action, cancel, submitter }) => {
// `formElement` 是这个 `<form>` 元素
// `formData` 是即将提交的 `FormData` 对象
// `action` 是表单提交的 URL
// 调用 `cancel()` 将阻止提交
// `submitter` 是导致表单提交的 `HTMLElement`
return async ({ result, update }) => {
// `result` 是一个 `ActionResult` 对象
// `update` 是一个触发默认逻辑的函数,如果没有设置此回调
如果您返回一个回调,您可能需要重现部分默认的 use:enhance
行为,但在成功响应时不使所有数据失效。您可以使用 applyAction
import { enhance, applyAction } from '$app/forms';
/** @type {{ form: import('./$types').ActionData }} */
let { form } = $props();
use:enhance={({ formElement, formData, action, cancel }) => {
return async ({ result }) => {
// `result` 是一个 `ActionResult` 对象
if (result.type === 'redirect') {
} else {
await applyAction(result);
<script lang="ts">
import { enhance, applyAction } from '$app/forms';
import type { ActionData } from './$types';
let { form }: { form: ActionData } = $props();
use:enhance={({ formElement, formData, action, cancel }) => {
return async ({ result }) => {
// `result` 是一个 `ActionResult` 对象
if (result.type === 'redirect') {
} else {
await applyAction(result);
的行为取决于 result.type
— 将page.status
— 调用goto(result.location, { invalidateAll: true })
— 使用result.error
我们也可以不使用 use:enhance
,在 <form>
import { invalidateAll, goto } from '$app/navigation';
import { applyAction, deserialize } from '$app/forms';
/** @type {{ form: import('./$types').ActionData }} */
let { form } = $props();
/** @param {SubmitEvent & { currentTarget: EventTarget & HTMLFormElement}} event */
async function handleSubmit(event) {
const data = new FormData(event.currentTarget);
const response = await fetch(event.currentTarget.action, {
method: 'POST',
body: data
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').ActionResult} */
const result = deserialize(await response.text());
if (result.type === 'success') {
// 重新运行所有 `load` 函数,跟随成功的更新
await invalidateAll();
<form method="POST" onsubmit={handleSubmit}>
<!-- content -->
<script lang="ts">
import { invalidateAll, goto } from '$app/navigation';
import { applyAction, deserialize } from '$app/forms';
import type { ActionData } from './$types';
import type { ActionResult } from '@sveltejs/kit';
let { form }: { form: ActionData } = $props();
async function handleSubmit(event: SubmitEvent & { currentTarget: EventTarget & HTMLFormElement}) {
const data = new FormData(event.currentTarget);
const response = await fetch(event.currentTarget.action, {
method: 'POST',
body: data
const result: ActionResult = deserialize(await response.text());
if (result.type === 'success') {
// 重新运行所有 `load` 函数,跟随成功的更新
await invalidateAll();
<form method="POST" onsubmit={handleSubmit}>
<!-- content -->
请注意,在使用 $app/forms
中相应的方法进一步处理响应之前,需要 deserialize
响应。仅 JSON.parse()
是不够的,因为表单 action(如 load
函数)也支持返回 Date
或 BigInt
如果您在 +page.server.js
旁边有一个 +server.js
请求将默认路由到那里。要改为 POST
到 +page.server.js
中的 action ,请使用自定义的 x-sveltekit-action
const const response: Response
response = await function fetch(input: string | URL | globalThis.Request, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response> (+1 overload)
fetch(this.action, {
RequestInit.method?: string | undefined
A string to set request’s method.
method: 'POST',
RequestInit.body?: BodyInit | null | undefined
A BodyInit object or null to set request’s body.
body: data,
RequestInit.headers?: HeadersInit | undefined
A Headers object, an object literal, or an array of two-item arrays to set request’s headers.
headers: {
'x-sveltekit-action': 'true'
表单 action 是向服务端发送数据的首选方法,因为它们可以渐进式增强,但您也可以使用 +server.js
文件来公开(例如)一个 JSON API。以下是这种交互的示例:
function rerun() {
fetch('/api/ci', {
method: 'POST'
<button onclick={rerun}>Rerun CI</button>
<script lang="ts">
function rerun() {
fetch('/api/ci', {
method: 'POST'
<button onclick={rerun}>Rerun CI</button>
/** @type {import('./$types').RequestHandler} */
export function function POST(): void
POST() {
// do something
import type { type RequestHandler = (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => MaybePromise<Response>
type RequestHandler = (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => MaybePromise<Response>
RequestHandler } from './$types';
export const const POST: RequestHandler
POST: type RequestHandler = (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => MaybePromise<Response>
type RequestHandler = (event: Kit.RequestEvent<Record<string, any>, string | null>) => MaybePromise<Response>
RequestHandler = () => {
// do something
如我们所见,要调用表单 action ,必须使用 method="POST"
有些表单不需要向服务端 POST
数据 —— 例如搜索输入。对于这些表单,您可以使用 method="GET"
(或等效地,不指定 method
),SvelteKit 将像处理 <a>
<form action="/search">
<input name="q" />
提交此表单将导航到 /search?q=...
并调用您的 load
函数,但不会调用 action 。与 <a>
元素一样,您可以在 <form>
上设置 data-sveltekit-reload
以及 data-sveltekit-noscroll