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命令式组件 API

每个 Svelte 应用程序都是从命令式创建根组件开始。在客户端,这个组件会被挂载到特定的元素上。在服务端,你需要获取一个可以渲染的 HTML 字符串。以下这些函数可以帮助你完成这些任务。



import { function mount<Props extends Record<string, any>, Exports extends Record<string, any>>(component: ComponentType<SvelteComponent<Props>> | Component<Props, Exports, any>, options: MountOptions<Props>): Exports

Mounts a component to the given target and returns the exports and potentially the props (if compiled with accessors: true) of the component. Transitions will play during the initial render unless the intro option is set to false.

} from 'svelte';
type App = SvelteComponent<Record<string, any>, any, any>
const App: LegacyComponentType
from './App.svelte';
const app: {
    $on?(type: string, callback: (e: any) => void): () => void;
    $set?(props: Partial<Record<string, any>>): void;
} & Record<string, any>
mount<Record<string, any>, {
    $on?(type: string, callback: (e: any) => void): () => void;
    $set?(props: Partial<Record<string, any>>): void;
} & Record<...>>(component: ComponentType<...> | Component<...>, options: MountOptions<...>): {
} & Record<...>

Mounts a component to the given target and returns the exports and potentially the props (if compiled with accessors: true) of the component. Transitions will play during the initial render unless the intro option is set to false.

(const App: LegacyComponentTypeApp, {
target: Document | Element | ShadowRoot

Target element where the component will be mounted.

: var document: Documentdocument.ParentNode.querySelector<Element>(selectors: string): Element | null (+4 overloads)

Returns the first element that is a descendant of node that matches selectors.

MDN Reference

props?: Record<string, any> | undefined

Component properties.

: { some: stringsome: 'property' }

你可以在每个页面上挂载多个组件,也可以在应用程序内部进行挂载,例如创建一个 tooltip 组件并将其附加到鼠标悬停的元素上。

请注意,与 Svelte 4 中调用 new App(...) 不同,effects(包括 onMount 回调和 action 函数)不会在 mount 期间运行。如果你需要强制执行待处理的 effects(例如在测试环境中),可以使用 flushSync()


卸载通过 mounthydrate 创建的组件。

如果 options.outrotrue过渡效果将在组件从 DOM 中移除之前播放:

import { function mount<Props extends Record<string, any>, Exports extends Record<string, any>>(component: ComponentType<SvelteComponent<Props>> | Component<Props, Exports, any>, options: MountOptions<Props>): Exports

Mounts a component to the given target and returns the exports and potentially the props (if compiled with accessors: true) of the component. Transitions will play during the initial render unless the intro option is set to false.

function unmount(component: Record<string, any>, options?: {
    outro?: boolean;
} | undefined): Promise<void>

Unmounts a component that was previously mounted using mount or hydrate.

Since 5.13.0, if options.outro is true, transitions will play before the component is removed from the DOM.

Returns a Promise that resolves after transitions have completed if options.outro is true, or immediately otherwise (prior to 5.13.0, returns void).

import { mount, unmount } from 'svelte';
import App from './App.svelte';

const app = mount(App, { target: document.body });

// later...
unmount(app, { outro: true });
} from 'svelte';
type App = SvelteComponent<Record<string, any>, any, any>
const App: LegacyComponentType
from './App.svelte';
const app: {
    $on?(type: string, callback: (e: any) => void): () => void;
    $set?(props: Partial<Record<string, any>>): void;
} & Record<string, any>
mount<Record<string, any>, {
    $on?(type: string, callback: (e: any) => void): () => void;
    $set?(props: Partial<Record<string, any>>): void;
} & Record<...>>(component: ComponentType<...> | Component<...>, options: MountOptions<...>): {
} & Record<...>

Mounts a component to the given target and returns the exports and potentially the props (if compiled with accessors: true) of the component. Transitions will play during the initial render unless the intro option is set to false.

(const App: LegacyComponentTypeApp, { target: Document | Element | ShadowRoot

Target element where the component will be mounted.

: var document: Documentdocument.Document.body: HTMLElement

Specifies the beginning and end of the document body.

MDN Reference

// 稍后
function unmount(component: Record<string, any>, options?: {
    outro?: boolean;
} | undefined): Promise<void>

Unmounts a component that was previously mounted using mount or hydrate.

Since 5.13.0, if options.outro is true, transitions will play before the component is removed from the DOM.

Returns a Promise that resolves after transitions have completed if options.outro is true, or immediately otherwise (prior to 5.13.0, returns void).

import { mount, unmount } from 'svelte';
import App from './App.svelte';

const app = mount(App, { target: document.body });

// later...
unmount(app, { outro: true });
const app: {
    $on?(type: string, callback: (e: any) => void): () => void;
    $set?(props: Partial<Record<string, any>>): void;
} & Record<string, any>
, { outro?: boolean | undefinedoutro: true });

返回一个 Promise,如果 options.outro 为 true,则在过渡完成后 resolve,否则立即 resolve。


仅在服务端且使用 server 选项编译时可用。接受一个组件并返回一个具有 bodyhead 属性的对象,你可以在服务端渲染应用程序时使用这些属性来填充 HTML:

import { 
function render<Comp extends SvelteComponent<any> | Component<any>, Props extends ComponentProps<Comp> = ComponentProps<Comp>>(...args: {} extends Props ? [component: Comp extends SvelteComponent<any> ? ComponentType<Comp> : Comp, options?: {
    props?: Omit<Props, "$$slots" | "$$events">;
    context?: Map<any, any>;
}] : [component: Comp extends SvelteComponent<any> ? ComponentType<Comp> : Comp, options: {
    props: Omit<Props, "$$slots" | "$$events">;
    context?: Map<any, any>;
}]): RenderOutput

Only available on the server and when compiling with the server option. Takes a component and returns an object with body and head properties on it, which you can use to populate the HTML when server-rendering your app.

} from 'svelte/server';
type App = SvelteComponent<Record<string, any>, any, any>
const App: LegacyComponentType
from './App.svelte';
const const result: RenderOutputresult =
render<SvelteComponent<Record<string, any>, any, any>, Record<string, any>>(component: ComponentType<SvelteComponent<Record<string, any>, any, any>>, options?: {
} | undefined): RenderOutput

Only available on the server and when compiling with the server option. Takes a component and returns an object with body and head properties on it, which you can use to populate the HTML when server-rendering your app.

(const App: LegacyComponentTypeApp, {
props?: Omit<Record<string, any>, "$$slots" | "$$events"> | undefinedprops: { some: stringsome: 'property' } }); const result: RenderOutputresult.RenderOutput.body: string

HTML that goes somewhere into the &#x3C;body>

; // 用于 <body> 标签中的某处的 HTML
const result: RenderOutputresult.RenderOutput.head: string

HTML that goes into the &#x3C;head>

; // 用于 <head> 标签中的某处的 HTML


mount 类似,但会复用 Svelte 的 SSR 输出(来自 render 函数)中渲染的 HTML,并使其具有交互性:

import { 
function hydrate<Props extends Record<string, any>, Exports extends Record<string, any>>(component: ComponentType<SvelteComponent<Props>> | Component<Props, Exports, any>, options: {} extends Props ? {
    target: Document | Element | ShadowRoot;
    props?: Props;
    events?: Record<string, (e: any) => any>;
    context?: Map<any, any>;
    intro?: boolean;
    recover?: boolean;
} : {
    target: Document | Element | ShadowRoot;
    props: Props;
    events?: Record<string, (e: any) => any>;
    context?: Map<any, any>;
    intro?: boolean;
    recover?: boolean;
}): Exports

Hydrates a component on the given target and returns the exports and potentially the props (if compiled with accessors: true) of the component

} from 'svelte';
type App = SvelteComponent<Record<string, any>, any, any>
const App: LegacyComponentType
from './App.svelte';
const app: {
    $on?(type: string, callback: (e: any) => void): () => void;
    $set?(props: Partial<Record<string, any>>): void;
} & Record<string, any>
hydrate<Record<string, any>, {
    $on?(type: string, callback: (e: any) => void): () => void;
    $set?(props: Partial<Record<string, any>>): void;
} & Record<...>>(component: ComponentType<...> | Component<...>, options: {
}): {
} & Record<...>

Hydrates a component on the given target and returns the exports and potentially the props (if compiled with accessors: true) of the component

(const App: LegacyComponentTypeApp, {
target: Document | Element | ShadowRoottarget: var document: Documentdocument.ParentNode.querySelector<Element>(selectors: string): Element | null (+4 overloads)

Returns the first element that is a descendant of node that matches selectors.

MDN Reference

props?: Record<string, any> | undefinedprops: { some: stringsome: 'property' } });

mount 一样,effects 不会在 hydrate 期间运行 — 如果您需要它们立即生效,请立即使用 flushSync()

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