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Svelte 对于您使用哪种测试框架并不持有特定立场 — 您可以使用 VitestJasmineCypressPlaywright 等解决方案来编写单元测试、集成测试和端到端测试。

使用 Vitest 进行单元和集成测试

单元测试允许您测试代码中的小型独立部分。集成测试允许您测试应用程序的各个部分,以查看它们是否协同工作。如果您使用 Vite(包括通过 SvelteKit),我们推荐使用 Vitest

首先安装 Vitest:

npm install -D vitest

然后调整您的 vite.config.js

import { function defineConfig(config: UserConfig): UserConfig (+3 overloads)defineConfig } from 'vitest/config';

export default function defineConfig(config: UserConfig): UserConfig (+3 overloads)defineConfig({
	// ...
	// 告诉 Vitest 使用 `package.json` 文件中的 `browser` 入口点,即使它在 Node 中运行
UserConfig.resolve?: (ResolveOptions & {
    alias?: AliasOptions;
}) | undefined

Configure resolver

: var process: NodeJS.Processprocess.NodeJS.Process.env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv

The process.env property returns an object containing the user environment. See environ(7).

An example of this object looks like:

  TERM: 'xterm-256color',
  SHELL: '/usr/local/bin/bash',
  USER: 'maciej',
  PATH: '~/.bin/:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin',
  PWD: '/Users/maciej',
  EDITOR: 'vim',
  SHLVL: '1',
  HOME: '/Users/maciej',
  LOGNAME: 'maciej',
  _: '/usr/local/bin/node'

It is possible to modify this object, but such modifications will not be reflected outside the Node.js process, or (unless explicitly requested) to other Worker threads. In other words, the following example would not work:

node -e ' = "bar"' && echo $foo

While the following will:

import { env } from 'node:process'; = 'bar';

Assigning a property on process.env will implicitly convert the value to a string. This behavior is deprecated. Future versions of Node.js may throw an error when the value is not a string, number, or boolean.

import { env } from 'node:process';

env.test = null;
// => 'null'
env.test = undefined;
// => 'undefined'

Use delete to delete a property from process.env.

import { env } from 'node:process';

env.TEST = 1;
delete env.TEST;
// => undefined

On Windows operating systems, environment variables are case-insensitive.

import { env } from 'node:process';

env.TEST = 1;
// => 1

Unless explicitly specified when creating a Worker instance, each Worker thread has its own copy of process.env, based on its parent thread’s process.env, or whatever was specified as the env option to the Worker constructor. Changes to process.env will not be visible across Worker threads, and only the main thread can make changes that are visible to the operating system or to native add-ons. On Windows, a copy of process.env on a Worker instance operates in a case-sensitive manner unlike the main thread.

.string | undefinedVITEST
? { ResolveOptions.conditions?: string[] | undefinedconditions: ['browser'] } : var undefinedundefined });


现在您可以为 .js/.ts 文件中的代码编写单元测试:

import { function flushSync(fn?: (() => void) | undefined): void

Synchronously flushes any pending state changes and those that result from it.

} from 'svelte';
import { const expect: ExpectStaticexpect, const test: TestAPI

Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.

@paramname - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
@paramoptionsOrFn - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
@paramoptionsOrTest - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
@throwsError If called inside another test function.
@examplets // Define a simple test test('should add two numbers', () => { expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3); });
@examplets // Define a test with options test('should subtract two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => { expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3); });
} from 'vitest';
import { import multipliermultiplier } from './multiplier.js'; test<object>(name: string | Function, fn?: TestFunction<object> | undefined, options?: number | TestOptions): void (+2 overloads)

Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.

@paramname - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
@paramoptionsOrFn - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
@paramoptionsOrTest - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
@throwsError If called inside another test function.
@examplets // Define a simple test test('should add two numbers', () => { expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3); });
@examplets // Define a test with options test('should subtract two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => { expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3); });
('Multiplier', () => {
let let double: anydouble = import multipliermultiplier(0, 2); expect<any>(actual: any, message?: string): Assertion<any> (+1 overload)expect(let double: anydouble.value).JestAssertion<any>.toEqual: <number>(expected: number) => voidtoEqual(0); let double: anydouble.set(5); expect<any>(actual: any, message?: string): Assertion<any> (+1 overload)expect(let double: anydouble.value).JestAssertion<any>.toEqual: <number>(expected: number) => voidtoEqual(10); });


您可以在测试文件中使用符文。首先确保您的打包工具知道在运行测试之前要通过 Svelte 编译器处理文件,方法是在文件名中添加 .svelte(例如 multiplier.svelte.test.js)。之后,您就可以在测试中使用符文了。

import { function flushSync(fn?: (() => void) | undefined): void

Synchronously flushes any pending state changes and those that result from it.

} from 'svelte';
import { const expect: ExpectStaticexpect, const test: TestAPI

Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.

@paramname - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
@paramoptionsOrFn - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
@paramoptionsOrTest - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
@throwsError If called inside another test function.
@examplets // Define a simple test test('should add two numbers', () => { expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3); });
@examplets // Define a test with options test('should subtract two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => { expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3); });
} from 'vitest';
import { import multipliermultiplier } from './multiplier.svelte.js'; test<object>(name: string | Function, fn?: TestFunction<object> | undefined, options?: number | TestOptions): void (+2 overloads)

Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.

@paramname - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
@paramoptionsOrFn - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
@paramoptionsOrTest - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
@throwsError If called inside another test function.
@examplets // Define a simple test test('should add two numbers', () => { expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3); });
@examplets // Define a test with options test('should subtract two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => { expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3); });
('Multiplier', () => {
let let count: numbercount =
function $state<0>(initial: 0): 0 (+1 overload)
namespace $state

Declares reactive state.


let count = $state(0);$state

@paraminitial The initial value
let let double: anydouble = import multipliermultiplier(() => let count: numbercount, 2); expect<any>(actual: any, message?: string): Assertion<any> (+1 overload)expect(let double: anydouble.value).JestAssertion<any>.toEqual: <number>(expected: number) => voidtoEqual(0); let count: numbercount = 5; expect<any>(actual: any, message?: string): Assertion<any> (+1 overload)expect(let double: anydouble.value).JestAssertion<any>.toEqual: <number>(expected: number) => voidtoEqual(10); });

如果被测试的代码使用了 effects,您需要将测试包装在 $effect.root 中:

import { function flushSync(fn?: (() => void) | undefined): void

Synchronously flushes any pending state changes and those that result from it.

} from 'svelte';
import { const expect: ExpectStaticexpect, const test: TestAPI

Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.

@paramname - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
@paramoptionsOrFn - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
@paramoptionsOrTest - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
@throwsError If called inside another test function.
@examplets // Define a simple test test('should add two numbers', () => { expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3); });
@examplets // Define a test with options test('should subtract two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => { expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3); });
} from 'vitest';
import { import loggerlogger } from './logger.svelte.js'; test<object>(name: string | Function, fn?: TestFunction<object> | undefined, options?: number | TestOptions): void (+2 overloads)

Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.

@paramname - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
@paramoptionsOrFn - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
@paramoptionsOrTest - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
@throwsError If called inside another test function.
@examplets // Define a simple test test('should add two numbers', () => { expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3); });
@examplets // Define a test with options test('should subtract two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => { expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3); });
('Effect', () => {
const const cleanup: () => voidcleanup =
namespace $effect
function $effect(fn: () => void | (() => void)): void

Runs code when a component is mounted to the DOM, and then whenever its dependencies change, i.e. $state or $derived values. The timing of the execution is after the DOM has been updated.


$effect(() => console.log('The count is now ' + count));

If you return a function from the effect, it will be called right before the effect is run again, or when the component is unmounted.

Does not run during server side rendering.$effect

@paramfn The function to execute
.function $effect.root(fn: () => void | (() => void)): () => void

The $effect.root rune is an advanced feature that creates a non-tracked scope that doesn’t auto-cleanup. This is useful for nested effects that you want to manually control. This rune also allows for creation of effects outside of the component initialisation phase.


  let count = $state(0);

  const cleanup = $effect.root(() => {
	$effect(() => {

	 return () => {
	   console.log('effect root cleanup');

&#x3C;button onclick={() => cleanup()}>cleanup&#x3C;/button>$effect#$effect.root

(() => {
let let count: numbercount =
function $state<0>(initial: 0): 0 (+1 overload)
namespace $state

Declares reactive state.


let count = $state(0);$state

@paraminitial The initial value
// logger 使用 $effect 来记录其输入的更新 let let log: anylog = import loggerlogger(() => let count: numbercount); // 效果通常在微任务后运行, // 使用 flushSync 同步执行所有待处理的效果 function flushSync(fn?: (() => void) | undefined): void

Synchronously flushes any pending state changes and those that result from it.

expect<any>(actual: any, message?: string): Assertion<any> (+1 overload)expect(let log: anylog.value).JestAssertion<any>.toEqual: <number[]>(expected: number[]) => voidtoEqual([0]); let count: numbercount = 1; function flushSync(fn?: (() => void) | undefined): void

Synchronously flushes any pending state changes and those that result from it.

expect<any>(actual: any, message?: string): Assertion<any> (+1 overload)expect(let log: anylog.value).JestAssertion<any>.toEqual: <number[]>(expected: number[]) => voidtoEqual([0, 1]); }); const cleanup: () => voidcleanup(); });


您可以使用 Vitest 在隔离环境下测试您的组件。


首先安装 jsdom(一个提供 DOM API 模拟的库):

npm install -D jsdom

然后调整您的 vite.config.js

import { function defineConfig(config: UserConfig): UserConfig (+3 overloads)defineConfig } from 'vitest/config';

export default function defineConfig(config: UserConfig): UserConfig (+3 overloads)defineConfig({
	UserConfig.plugins?: PluginOption[] | undefined

Array of vite plugins to use.

: [
/* ... */ ], UserConfig.test?: InlineConfig | undefined

Options for Vitest

: {
// 如果您在客户端测试组件,您需要设置 DOM 环境。 // 如果不是所有文件都需要这个环境,您可以在测试文件顶部使用 // `// @vitest-environment jsdom` 注释来代替。 InlineConfig.environment?: VitestEnvironment | undefined

Running environment

Supports ‘node’, ‘jsdom’, ‘happy-dom’, ‘edge-runtime’

If used unsupported string, will try to load the package vitest-environment-${env}

: 'jsdom'
}, // 告诉 Vitest 使用 `package.json` 文件中的 `browser` 入口点,即使它在 Node 中运行
UserConfig.resolve?: (ResolveOptions & {
    alias?: AliasOptions;
}) | undefined

Configure resolver

: var process: NodeJS.Processprocess.NodeJS.Process.env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv

The process.env property returns an object containing the user environment. See environ(7).

An example of this object looks like:

  TERM: 'xterm-256color',
  SHELL: '/usr/local/bin/bash',
  USER: 'maciej',
  PATH: '~/.bin/:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin',
  PWD: '/Users/maciej',
  EDITOR: 'vim',
  SHLVL: '1',
  HOME: '/Users/maciej',
  LOGNAME: 'maciej',
  _: '/usr/local/bin/node'

It is possible to modify this object, but such modifications will not be reflected outside the Node.js process, or (unless explicitly requested) to other Worker threads. In other words, the following example would not work:

node -e ' = "bar"' &#x26;#x26;&#x26;#x26; echo $foo

While the following will:

import { env } from 'node:process'; = 'bar';

Assigning a property on process.env will implicitly convert the value to a string. This behavior is deprecated. Future versions of Node.js may throw an error when the value is not a string, number, or boolean.

import { env } from 'node:process';

env.test = null;
// => 'null'
env.test = undefined;
// => 'undefined'

Use delete to delete a property from process.env.

import { env } from 'node:process';

env.TEST = 1;
delete env.TEST;
// => undefined

On Windows operating systems, environment variables are case-insensitive.

import { env } from 'node:process';

env.TEST = 1;
// => 1

Unless explicitly specified when creating a Worker instance, each Worker thread has its own copy of process.env, based on its parent thread’s process.env, or whatever was specified as the env option to the Worker constructor. Changes to process.env will not be visible across Worker threads, and only the main thread can make changes that are visible to the operating system or to native add-ons. On Windows, a copy of process.env on a Worker instance operates in a case-sensitive manner unlike the main thread.

.string | undefinedVITEST
? { ResolveOptions.conditions?: string[] | undefinedconditions: ['browser'] } : var undefinedundefined });


import { function flushSync(fn?: (() => void) | undefined): void

Synchronously flushes any pending state changes and those that result from it.

, function mount<Props extends Record<string, any>, Exports extends Record<string, any>>(component: ComponentType<SvelteComponent<Props>> | Component<Props, Exports, any>, options: MountOptions<Props>): Exports

Mounts a component to the given target and returns the exports and potentially the props (if compiled with accessors: true) of the component. Transitions will play during the initial render unless the intro option is set to false.

function unmount(component: Record<string, any>, options?: {
    outro?: boolean;
} | undefined): Promise<void>

Unmounts a component that was previously mounted using mount or hydrate.

Since 5.13.0, if options.outro is true, transitions will play before the component is removed from the DOM.

Returns a Promise that resolves after transitions have completed if options.outro is true, or immediately otherwise (prior to 5.13.0, returns void).

import { mount, unmount } from 'svelte';
import App from './App.svelte';

const app = mount(App, { target: document.body });

// later...
unmount(app, { outro: true });
} from 'svelte';
import { const expect: ExpectStaticexpect, const test: TestAPI

Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.

@paramname - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
@paramoptionsOrFn - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
@paramoptionsOrTest - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
@throwsError If called inside another test function.
@examplets // Define a simple test test('should add two numbers', () => { expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3); });
@examplets // Define a test with options test('should subtract two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => { expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3); });
} from 'vitest';
type Component = SvelteComponent<Record<string, any>, any, any>
const Component: LegacyComponentType
from './Component.svelte';
test<object>(name: string | Function, fn?: TestFunction<object> | undefined, options?: number | TestOptions): void (+2 overloads)

Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.

@paramname - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
@paramoptionsOrFn - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
@paramoptionsOrTest - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
@throwsError If called inside another test function.
@examplets // Define a simple test test('should add two numbers', () => { expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3); });
@examplets // Define a test with options test('should subtract two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => { expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3); });
('Component', () => {
// 使用 Svelte 的 `mount` API 实例化组件 const
const component: {
    $on?(type: string, callback: (e: any) => void): () => void;
    $set?(props: Partial<Record<string, any>>): void;
} & Record<string, any>
mount<Record<string, any>, {
    $on?(type: string, callback: (e: any) => void): () => void;
    $set?(props: Partial<Record<string, any>>): void;
} & Record<...>>(component: ComponentType<...> | Component<...>, options: MountOptions<...>): {
} & Record<...>

Mounts a component to the given target and returns the exports and potentially the props (if compiled with accessors: true) of the component. Transitions will play during the initial render unless the intro option is set to false.

(const Component: LegacyComponentTypeComponent, {
target: Document | Element | ShadowRoot

Target element where the component will be mounted.

: var document: Documentdocument.Document.body: HTMLElement

Specifies the beginning and end of the document body.

MDN Reference

, // 由于 jsdom 的存在,`document` 是可用的
props?: Record<string, any> | undefined

Component properties.

: { initial: numberinitial: 0 }
}); expect<string>(actual: string, message?: string): Assertion<string> (+1 overload)expect(var document: Documentdocument.Document.body: HTMLElement

Specifies the beginning and end of the document body.

MDN Reference

.InnerHTML.innerHTML: stringinnerHTML).JestAssertion<string>.toBe: <string>(expected: string) => voidtoBe('<button>0</button>');
// 点击按钮,然后刷新更改,这样您就可以同步地编写期望 var document: Documentdocument.Document.body: HTMLElement

Specifies the beginning and end of the document body.

MDN Reference

.ParentNode.querySelector<"button">(selectors: "button"): HTMLButtonElement | null (+4 overloads)

Returns the first element that is a descendant of node that matches selectors.

MDN Reference

('button') voidclick();
function flushSync(fn?: (() => void) | undefined): void

Synchronously flushes any pending state changes and those that result from it.

expect<string>(actual: string, message?: string): Assertion<string> (+1 overload)expect(var document: Documentdocument.Document.body: HTMLElement

Specifies the beginning and end of the document body.

MDN Reference

.InnerHTML.innerHTML: stringinnerHTML).JestAssertion<string>.toBe: <string>(expected: string) => voidtoBe('<button>1</button>');
// 从 DOM 中移除组件
function unmount(component: Record<string, any>, options?: {
    outro?: boolean;
} | undefined): Promise<void>

Unmounts a component that was previously mounted using mount or hydrate.

Since 5.13.0, if options.outro is true, transitions will play before the component is removed from the DOM.

Returns a Promise that resolves after transitions have completed if options.outro is true, or immediately otherwise (prior to 5.13.0, returns void).

import { mount, unmount } from 'svelte';
import App from './App.svelte';

const app = mount(App, { target: document.body });

// later...
unmount(app, { outro: true });
const component: {
    $on?(type: string, callback: (e: any) => void): () => void;
    $set?(props: Partial<Record<string, any>>): void;
} & Record<string, any>

虽然这个过程非常简单明了,但它也比较底层且有些脆弱,因为组件的精确结构可能会频繁变化。像 @testing-library/svelte 这样的工具可以帮助简化测试。上面的测试可以重写为:

import { function render<C extends unknown, Q extends Queries = typeof import("/vercel/path0/node_modules/.pnpm/@testing-library+dom@10.4.0/node_modules/@testing-library/dom/types/queries")>(Component: ComponentType<...>, options?: SvelteComponentOptions<C>, renderOptions?: RenderOptions<Q>): RenderResult<C, Q>

Render a component into the document.

@template{import('./component-types.js').Component} C
@template{import('@testing-library/dom').Queries} [Q=typeof import('@testing-library/dom').queries]
@paramComponent - The component to render.
@paramoptions - Customize how Svelte renders the component.
@paramrenderOptions - Customize how Testing Library sets up the document and binds queries.
@returnsThe rendered component and bound testing functions.
, const screen: Screen<typeof import("/vercel/path0/node_modules/.pnpm/@testing-library+dom@10.4.0/node_modules/@testing-library/dom/types/queries")>screen } from '@testing-library/svelte';
const userEvent: {
    readonly setup: typeof setupMain;
    readonly clear: typeof clear;
    readonly click: typeof click;
    readonly copy: typeof copy;
    ... 12 more ...;
    readonly tab: typeof tab;
from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { const expect: ExpectStaticexpect, const test: TestAPI

Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.

@paramname - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
@paramoptionsOrFn - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
@paramoptionsOrTest - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
@throwsError If called inside another test function.
@examplets // Define a simple test test('should add two numbers', () => { expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3); });
@examplets // Define a test with options test('should subtract two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => { expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3); });
} from 'vitest';
type Component = SvelteComponent<Record<string, any>, any, any>
const Component: LegacyComponentType
from './Component.svelte';
test<object>(name: string | Function, fn?: TestFunction<object> | undefined, options?: number | TestOptions): void (+2 overloads)

Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.

@paramname - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
@paramoptionsOrFn - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
@paramoptionsOrTest - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
@throwsError If called inside another test function.
@examplets // Define a simple test test('should add two numbers', () => { expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3); });
@examplets // Define a test with options test('should subtract two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => { expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3); });
('Component', async () => {
const const user: UserEventuser =
const userEvent: {
    readonly setup: typeof setupMain;
    readonly clear: typeof clear;
    readonly click: typeof click;
    readonly copy: typeof copy;
    ... 12 more ...;
    readonly tab: typeof tab;
.setup: (options?: Options) => UserEvent

Start a “session” with userEvent. All APIs returned by this function share an input device state and a default configuration.

render<SvelteComponent<Record<string, any>, any, any>, typeof import("/vercel/path0/node_modules/.pnpm/@testing-library+dom@10.4.0/node_modules/@testing-library/dom/types/queries")>(Component: ComponentType<...>, options?: SvelteComponentOptions<...> | undefined, renderOptions?: RenderOptions<...> | undefined): RenderResult<...>

Render a component into the document.

@template{import('./component-types.js').Component} C
@template{import('@testing-library/dom').Queries} [Q=typeof import('@testing-library/dom').queries]
@paramComponent - The component to render.
@paramoptions - Customize how Svelte renders the component.
@paramrenderOptions - Customize how Testing Library sets up the document and binds queries.
@returnsThe rendered component and bound testing functions.
(const Component: LegacyComponentTypeComponent);
const const button: HTMLElementbutton = const screen: Screen<typeof import("/vercel/path0/node_modules/.pnpm/@testing-library+dom@10.4.0/node_modules/@testing-library/dom/types/queries")>screen.getByRole<HTMLElement>(role: ByRoleMatcher, options?: ByRoleOptions | undefined): HTMLElement (+1 overload)getByRole('button'); expect<HTMLElement>(actual: HTMLElement, message?: string): Assertion<HTMLElement> (+1 overload)expect(const button: HTMLElementbutton).toHaveTextContent(0); await const user: (element: Element) => Promise<void>click(const button: HTMLElementbutton); expect<HTMLElement>(actual: HTMLElement, message?: string): Assertion<HTMLElement> (+1 overload)expect(const button: HTMLElementbutton).toHaveTextContent(1); });

当编写涉及双向绑定、上下文或代码片段属性的组件测试时,最好为您的特定测试创建一个包装组件并与之交互。@testing-library/svelte 包含一些示例

使用 Playwright 进行端到端测试

E2E(端到端的简称)测试允许您从用户的视角测试整个应用程序。本节以 Playwright 为例,但您也可以使用其他解决方案,如 CypressNightwatchJS

要开始使用 Playwright,可以通过 VS Code 扩展 安装,或者使用 npm init playwright 从命令行安装。它也是运行 npx sv create 时设置 CLI 的一部分。

完成后,您应该有一个 tests 文件夹和一个 Playwright 配置。您可能需要调整该配置,告诉 Playwright 在运行测试之前要做什么 - 主要是在某个端口启动您的应用程序:

const config: {
    webServer: {
        command: string;
        port: number;
    testDir: string;
    testMatch: RegExp;
= {
webServer: {
    command: string;
    port: number;
: {
command: stringcommand: 'npm run build && npm run preview', port: numberport: 4173 }, testDir: stringtestDir: 'tests', testMatch: RegExptestMatch: /(.+\.)?(test|spec)\.[jt]s/ }; export default
const config: {
    webServer: {
        command: string;
        port: number;
    testDir: string;
    testMatch: RegExp;

现在您可以开始编写测试了。这些测试完全不知道 Svelte 作为一个框架的存在,所以您主要是和 DOM 交互并编写断言。

import { import expectexpect, import testtest } from '@playwright/test';

import testtest('主页包含预期的 h1', async ({ page }) => {
	await page: anypage.goto('/');
	await import expectexpect(page: anypage.locator('h1')).toBeVisible();

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